National Archives of Australia Website
The 1941-1942 'Singapore Evacuation Lists' for arrivals in Melbourne, Sydney and Adelaide.
For several years the Western Australia arrivals passenger lists have been digitised and searchable for free on the National Archives of Australia website. These have proved very useful for 'Malaya' and evacuees research and enquiries. The National Archives of Australia has now digitised the following:: Volumes of inward passenger lists - ships - April 1940 to March 1942 and March 1942 to August 1945 covering Melbourne arrivals and also Passenger lists, inwards ships, Sydney [Form M308] [January to December 1942]. They contain the names of hundreds of evacuees from Singapore.
So many members of M.V.G. were child evacuees from Singapore that it seems appropriate for us to include a section on the subject.
This will include:
Information and articles on particular evacuation ships. We are particularly indebted to MVG member, Captain John Bax for information on Blue Funnel Line ships.
An on-going master list of evacuees with their evacuation ships and destinations where known. We start with Surnames A to C and welcome any corrections, further details or additions to the list. The list will include evacuees who were lost at sea but not those who were interned in Sumatra, many of whom died in captivity. For any information on these people contact Jonathan Moffatt.
Evacuees lists A to Z taken off for updating. If you have a query about an individual please send a message from our Enquiries section and we will get back to you.
For evacuation ships which left during 11-13 February 1942, please refer to the ‘Evacuation Ships’ section.
This will include:
Information and articles on particular evacuation ships. We are particularly indebted to MVG member, Captain John Bax for information on Blue Funnel Line ships.
An on-going master list of evacuees with their evacuation ships and destinations where known. We start with Surnames A to C and welcome any corrections, further details or additions to the list. The list will include evacuees who were lost at sea but not those who were interned in Sumatra, many of whom died in captivity. For any information on these people contact Jonathan Moffatt.
Evacuees lists A to Z taken off for updating. If you have a query about an individual please send a message from our Enquiries section and we will get back to you.
For evacuation ships which left during 11-13 February 1942, please refer to the ‘Evacuation Ships’ section.
Malayan Volunteers Group Evacuees
Sandra Clough [nee Duthie], Christine Edmondson (nee Bean), Rosemary Fell B.E.M. (nee Reeve), Hamish Mitchell, Hilary Palfrey (nee Long), Duncan Robertson, Marea Smith (nee Thurling), Ian Stitt, Susan Whitley (nee Kennaway) CAP ST JAQUES Guy Scoular CENTAUR Tony Brand CHARON Elizabeth Adamson (nee Peall) COLBORNE June Jackson (nee Hebditch) DUCHESS OF BEDFORD Dato Anthony Cooper, Penny Dembrey (nee Todman), Anthony Disney, Martin Everard, Margaret Kavanagh, Gareth Owen, Ann Potter, Dr. Malcolm Read, Anne Scott (nee Kennaway) & Mary Elizabeth Davis (nee Kennaway), Patricia Shillington (nee Cramsie), Susan Vaux (nee Cooper) EMPRESS OF JAPAN Gillian Bullivant (nee Tuxford), Ann Evans (nee Paxton Harding), Jill Gibson, Bill Vowler, Michael Thompson, Hamish Patterson, Jacqueline Caldwell (nee Turnbull), Susan Trench (now Lady Ashtown - nee Day), Louise Crossley (nee Shrubshall), Ronald Cork, Mary Anita Eveson, Phyllis Bartley FELIX ROUSSEL Jean Lips (nee Mitchell), Diana Mirkin (nee Purdie) KRAMER & RUYS John Hembry LYE EE MOON Yvonne Wurtzburg (nee Dymond) |
Roger Barrett, Mrs. George Booker, Peter Gray, Dafydd Griffith, Susan Rutherford (nee Avery), Eileen Wright (nee Hopkins), Alison Williams (nee Webber), Patricia Wood (nee Hodgkin), John Henville, Elizabeth Partridge (nee Dick), Margaret Puzey (nee Allan), Sheena Wheeler (nee Dick) NELLORE Morag Aitken (nee Littledyke) David Dobbs Frances Francis (nee Short) Frances (Merryn) Godber (nee Bretherton), Dr Nigel Stanley ORION John Corner, Fiona D'Ath (nee MacDougall), Dato Jeremy Diamond, June Dunnett (nee Grindlay), Heather Gore [nee Gjertsen], Yvonne Heritage (nee Spranklen), Nigel Killeen, Hamish Mitchell, Iain Moffat, Trish Niblock, Penny Plaughmann (nee Clarke), Allan Proctor, Ian Richardson, Jill Smallshaw (nee Wright), Morag Walmsley (nee Symington) PLANCIUS Ruth Iversen Rollitt (nee Iversen) ULYSSES Morag Atken (nee Littledyke), Jennifer Gwynn (nee King), Lorna Raeburn (nee Wilton) USS WAKEFIELD John Warden USS WEST POINT Ruth Close (nee Daintry), Blair Daintry, Nola Hudson EVACUATED BY AIR Robert Arbuthnott, Mary Harris (nee Alexander) KUALA (sunk) Brenda MacDuff, Des Woodford MATA HARI (captured) Neal Hobbs, Bob Paterson |