Enquiries 2015
General Yamashita's Maps
I continue to try to find photos of the two maps noticed by my father in March 1942 on the walls of the square tower of the Sultan of Johore’s Istana Bukit Serene. I have tried many avenues but failed! I wonder if anyone reading this might offer help or even know where a photograph might be for I do know they were photographed at the time... My father, then Mr E.J.H. Corner, saw them in situ. Here is an extract from my book, published in Singapore in 2013. The window of the tower was shuttered but there were two small holes, as if whittled by bayonet, my father noticed, and through which Yamashita had trained his field-glasses on the Japanese assault. The square parapet had a view right over Singapore Island where the main hills were easy to identify, and on that clear day of the visit the town itself was visible.On the inside of the parapet there was a crude map, painted in charcoal; my father wrote painted in black, in broad lines of charcoal…, of this view over the island with the hills of Bukit Panjang, Bukit Mandai and Bukit Timah marked in Japanese characters. This was the route followed by Yamashita’s onslaught down the arterial (Mandai) road of Singapore. Could this charcoal map still be on the wall, painted or plastered over in the ensuing years…? Might anyone in the Istana have photographed it…that too has to be likely? On the west wall of the tower there was another map, about three feet by two, hung as a picture, on which was shown the plan of attack, the direct assault across the Straits (of Johore), the capture of Tengah airport, the drive down Bukit Timah Rd, the feints that would be set up, if required, on the beaches to the east and west of Singapore town, and that little onslaught on Pulau Ubin, near the Naval Base, which fooled General Percival,(The Marquis...).
If anyone has any information, however trivial it might seem, please contact me, John Corner
John Corner [email protected]
My Grandfather, William Dunbar Paterson FMSVF
I am enquiring about my Grandfather, William Dunbar Paterson who was lost at sea on the Ban Ho Guan in March 1942. I am planning to visit Malaysia with my Father (William's son) in November and would like to visit where he lived / worked. As far as we know he was a planter or manager at a rubber plantation at Gula Estate, Perak. We would really like to know if it still exists and if it is possible to visit.
Dean Morrison [email protected]
Cecile Parrish, daughter of Renee Parrish and Ivor Edward Parrish
I am doing some research into the poetry of Cecile Parrish (died 1966 at the age of 27), the daughter of the Renee Parrish (1908 - 2005) and Ivor Edward Parrish (1905- 1990). Renee Parrish lived in Fort Avenue in Singapore until her death in 2005 at the age of 97. I believe she was an artist. Ivor was a chemist and was interned in Changi Gaol and Sime Road Camp where he was the camp optician. If anyone has any information on Cecile, Renee or Ivor, could you please contact me?
Thank you. Kind regards
Charmaine Pala [email protected]
I am part of a group researching the history of Cleeve Prior, & I am looking for information about Sub-Lieutenant Eric John EVANS Malayan Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Died between 3rd September 1939 and 31st December 1947 Son of Mrs E. Evans, of Evesham, Worcestershire Commemorated on Plymouth Naval Memorial, Devon, England, Panel 98, Column 1. A letter from H. Lewis, Cleeve Prior Vicarage, Evesham, dated 29th April 1950 can be found within war records held at Worcestershire Archives requesting that Eric John Evans, Sub Lieutenant, Royal Malayan Navy be added to the county roll of honour. Appears on: Cleeve Prior War Memorial Hall WW2 -- shown as Lost at Sea
Ian Robinson [email protected]
Robbie Robertson, Sungei Gapi Rubber Estate 1952-58
I'm coming over the Malaysia as part of my gap year and would love to visit my Grandfathers rubber estate near KL. I think it was called Sungi Gapi and he was there during the Emergency. I'd love to know if it still exists and if so how I could visit it? Thank you for your help.
Alex Fraser [email protected]
Enquiry about my father, Derrick Percival Speldewinde
I am trying to find out if my father who enlisted in the Malayan Volunteers. I was told recently that my uncle Harold Speldewinde, recently deceased, and my father had both enlisted but were told at the fall of Penang to get out of uniform and blend into the local population for the duration of the conflict. My father went on to serve with Special Branch in Malaya during the Emergency and my uncle was also a decorated war veteran.
Roger Speldewinde [email protected]
Regarding birth certificate and enquiry for Malaysian citizenship
My mother was born in Taiping Malaysia in the Year 1952. She has not obtained her birth certificate. In fact she has 4 more siblings of hers who were born before her in Malaysia and one sister in the year 1956. They left the country in 1956. How do I obtain the birth certificate? And will she be eligible for a Malaysian citizenship? What about her children? Will we get a citizenship even if they were born in another country? Ho do I get the birth certificate? Please help
Manju Naveen [email protected]
Malay/Singapore Planters 1911 - 1935
I am trying to find details of my Grandfather HAROLD WATSON. I have my mother's birth certificate, she was born in Singapore 1918;, her father (my grandfather) is recorded on the certificate as being a planter. Harold married in 1910 in Brighton UK. So he must have moved out to Singapore/Malaya after 1910. Any information or help in finding anything about Harold would be very much appreciated.
Many thanks in anticipation.
John Windibank [email protected]
The Holmberg Family
I am researching about the Holmberg ancestry. My grandfather Oswald Leonard Holmberg was born in 1918. He has 2 brothers and 1 sister. Their parents died young. So far I have came across information that some of the Holmbergs came from Ipoh/Penang. Any assistance you can provide would be most appreciated.
Roxanne [email protected]
Tiger Moths of the MVAF
I am looking for photos or descriptions of Tiger Moths of the MVAF. I would appreciate anyone who can supply them or point me to where I might find them.
David M. Knights [email protected]
Bahau Internees
I would like to know more about the experiences of the Eurasians who were 'interned' in Bahau (Negri Sembilan) during the Japanese occupation in 1943 to 1945 Very little was written about it and many survivors have now passed on.
I would appreciate it if anyone could shed more light on this Camp. Please contact me on e-mail address below.
Richard de Souza [email protected]
Alexander Gow and Isabelle Simon and their family
Isabelle and Alexander were married in Ipoh in 1900. Isabelle's father, Charles Thompson Simon was the manager at the Marble quarries there about 1898-1900. I am trying to trace his death. His wife was Margueite Burke and I believe they married in Bangkok, so anything about that would be brilliant. Charles T Simon was in Singapore about 1870 and before that Penang under the care of Frenchman Leopold Chasseriau. I keep finding snippets, but am stuck as where to go to get answers. I do hope you can help. Thank You.
Gillean Miller [email protected]
St George's Church, Penang
Further to my earlier enquiry about memorial plaques in preparation for the bicentenary of St George's Church, we are also interested in any pre-war interior photographs of the church that might portray the organ gallery above the west door, for example a family photograph of a bride walking down the aisle from the entrance.
Leslie A.K. James [email protected]
History Of RMAF
I'm doing a research on the early formation of RMAF. Who mooted the idea of forming MVAF & is there any document to that effect? Thank you.
Maj Nor Ibrahim Bin Sulaiman RMAF (R) [email protected]
William Edward Davis
I would like to know more about my cousin's involvement with the Malacca Volunteers during 1941-1942. His name was William Edward Davis and was known as Bill. He was married to Stella Rodrigues and had a son, Errol. I know he was with the Machine Gun Coy and was captured and died in Burma in 1943. If anyone has any further information, please get in touch.
Peter Underwood [email protected]
My Great Grandfather and Mother
I am trying locate some information about my great grandparents Edward and Maria/Marie/Mary McCallum. Their children were Edward (born in 1901) and Lily (born about 1904) were born in the Federation of Malay States, their child Hector is believed to have been born in Hong Kong. Their fourth child was born in Ireland. All the documentation I have found so far lists my great grandfather as "where abouts unknown" or lists my great grandmother as "widowed". I found an article in a news paper from Malaysia that states there was a divorce case. I am just trying to fill the gaps because no one seems to be able to find anything else on my great grandparents. Thank you for any help.
Lucia Wilson [email protected]
Looking for Information on my Great Grandparents
My great grandmothers name was Grace Paul, and she arrived in Malacca from Ceylon in 1917/1918.She was in a relationship with a German Dr Kuhne. This union produced a child, my grandmother, who was born in 1919. The relationship did not last and my great grandmother went on to marry NB Mathias. My grandmother was adopted by NB Mathias and was known as NB Kusalawati. My grandmother later had 5 half brothers and sisters from Grace Paul's marriage to NB Mathias. The family left for Singapore just before the war. If anyone has any information at all about these people, it would be so greatly appreciated. Thank You.
Nicoleen Simon [email protected]
William Percy Newth Handover
William Percy Newth, born in London 26.9.1889 but due to unknown circumstances was 'adopted' into the Handover family whilst still a small child. William traveled widely but his home was in Malaya and he worked for Dunlop Rubber as a plantation manager at Sungei Nipah. William died aged 34 on 25.2.1924. Any information would be very gratefully received. He was by 'adoption' my great-uncle.
Clare Reeves (nee Handover) [email protected]
Cameron Highlands Photos & Maps
Presently I am working on a Project on the Cameron Highlands with Universiti Malaya, for the Faculty of Built Environment, in Malaysia. The Project is on the changes which have affected Cameron Highlands through the years. Cameron Highlands has been overdeveloped and the objective of the study is to keep an equilibrium so as not to lose the character of Cameron Highlands entirely. The intention of Cameron Highlands was that people could retire there for a while for relaxation or health reasons. What we are looking for under this project are old photographs of buildings or of the area of Cameron Highlands. Maps of the area would also be very helpful. A source would be with people who have been there or lived there and made photographs. Like British veterans from the 2nd World War or British civilians.Thank you very much.
Dr. Robert C. M. Weebers [email protected]
Malacca Volunteers
My cousin, William Edward Davis was a Corporal with the Malacca Volunteer Corps. He was captured by the Japanese and ended up on the Thai Burma Railway where he died in Songkurai in 1943. I am writing up his story for Family History purposes. Would anyone be able to help in telling me if the Malacca Volunteers were engaged in any battle and if they retreated into Singapore or were cut off and forced to surrender in Malacca. I would like to know more about my cousin's involvement with the Malacca Volunteers during 1941-1942. He was known as Bill. He was married to Stella Rodrigues and had a son, Errol. I know he was with the Machine Gun Company. If anyone has any further information, please get in touch.
Peter Underwood [email protected]
History of the Royal Malaysian Air Force
I'm doing a research on the early formation of RMAF. Who mooted the idea of forming MVAF & is there any document to that effect? Thank you.
Maj Nor Ibrahim Bin Sulaiman RMAF (R) [email protected]
I continue to try to find photos of the two maps noticed by my father in March 1942 on the walls of the square tower of the Sultan of Johore’s Istana Bukit Serene. I have tried many avenues but failed! I wonder if anyone reading this might offer help or even know where a photograph might be for I do know they were photographed at the time... My father, then Mr E.J.H. Corner, saw them in situ. Here is an extract from my book, published in Singapore in 2013. The window of the tower was shuttered but there were two small holes, as if whittled by bayonet, my father noticed, and through which Yamashita had trained his field-glasses on the Japanese assault. The square parapet had a view right over Singapore Island where the main hills were easy to identify, and on that clear day of the visit the town itself was visible.On the inside of the parapet there was a crude map, painted in charcoal; my father wrote painted in black, in broad lines of charcoal…, of this view over the island with the hills of Bukit Panjang, Bukit Mandai and Bukit Timah marked in Japanese characters. This was the route followed by Yamashita’s onslaught down the arterial (Mandai) road of Singapore. Could this charcoal map still be on the wall, painted or plastered over in the ensuing years…? Might anyone in the Istana have photographed it…that too has to be likely? On the west wall of the tower there was another map, about three feet by two, hung as a picture, on which was shown the plan of attack, the direct assault across the Straits (of Johore), the capture of Tengah airport, the drive down Bukit Timah Rd, the feints that would be set up, if required, on the beaches to the east and west of Singapore town, and that little onslaught on Pulau Ubin, near the Naval Base, which fooled General Percival,(The Marquis...).
If anyone has any information, however trivial it might seem, please contact me, John Corner
John Corner [email protected]
My Grandfather, William Dunbar Paterson FMSVF
I am enquiring about my Grandfather, William Dunbar Paterson who was lost at sea on the Ban Ho Guan in March 1942. I am planning to visit Malaysia with my Father (William's son) in November and would like to visit where he lived / worked. As far as we know he was a planter or manager at a rubber plantation at Gula Estate, Perak. We would really like to know if it still exists and if it is possible to visit.
Dean Morrison [email protected]
Cecile Parrish, daughter of Renee Parrish and Ivor Edward Parrish
I am doing some research into the poetry of Cecile Parrish (died 1966 at the age of 27), the daughter of the Renee Parrish (1908 - 2005) and Ivor Edward Parrish (1905- 1990). Renee Parrish lived in Fort Avenue in Singapore until her death in 2005 at the age of 97. I believe she was an artist. Ivor was a chemist and was interned in Changi Gaol and Sime Road Camp where he was the camp optician. If anyone has any information on Cecile, Renee or Ivor, could you please contact me?
Thank you. Kind regards
Charmaine Pala [email protected]
I am part of a group researching the history of Cleeve Prior, & I am looking for information about Sub-Lieutenant Eric John EVANS Malayan Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Died between 3rd September 1939 and 31st December 1947 Son of Mrs E. Evans, of Evesham, Worcestershire Commemorated on Plymouth Naval Memorial, Devon, England, Panel 98, Column 1. A letter from H. Lewis, Cleeve Prior Vicarage, Evesham, dated 29th April 1950 can be found within war records held at Worcestershire Archives requesting that Eric John Evans, Sub Lieutenant, Royal Malayan Navy be added to the county roll of honour. Appears on: Cleeve Prior War Memorial Hall WW2 -- shown as Lost at Sea
Ian Robinson [email protected]
Robbie Robertson, Sungei Gapi Rubber Estate 1952-58
I'm coming over the Malaysia as part of my gap year and would love to visit my Grandfathers rubber estate near KL. I think it was called Sungi Gapi and he was there during the Emergency. I'd love to know if it still exists and if so how I could visit it? Thank you for your help.
Alex Fraser [email protected]
Enquiry about my father, Derrick Percival Speldewinde
I am trying to find out if my father who enlisted in the Malayan Volunteers. I was told recently that my uncle Harold Speldewinde, recently deceased, and my father had both enlisted but were told at the fall of Penang to get out of uniform and blend into the local population for the duration of the conflict. My father went on to serve with Special Branch in Malaya during the Emergency and my uncle was also a decorated war veteran.
Roger Speldewinde [email protected]
Regarding birth certificate and enquiry for Malaysian citizenship
My mother was born in Taiping Malaysia in the Year 1952. She has not obtained her birth certificate. In fact she has 4 more siblings of hers who were born before her in Malaysia and one sister in the year 1956. They left the country in 1956. How do I obtain the birth certificate? And will she be eligible for a Malaysian citizenship? What about her children? Will we get a citizenship even if they were born in another country? Ho do I get the birth certificate? Please help
Manju Naveen [email protected]
Malay/Singapore Planters 1911 - 1935
I am trying to find details of my Grandfather HAROLD WATSON. I have my mother's birth certificate, she was born in Singapore 1918;, her father (my grandfather) is recorded on the certificate as being a planter. Harold married in 1910 in Brighton UK. So he must have moved out to Singapore/Malaya after 1910. Any information or help in finding anything about Harold would be very much appreciated.
Many thanks in anticipation.
John Windibank [email protected]
The Holmberg Family
I am researching about the Holmberg ancestry. My grandfather Oswald Leonard Holmberg was born in 1918. He has 2 brothers and 1 sister. Their parents died young. So far I have came across information that some of the Holmbergs came from Ipoh/Penang. Any assistance you can provide would be most appreciated.
Roxanne [email protected]
Tiger Moths of the MVAF
I am looking for photos or descriptions of Tiger Moths of the MVAF. I would appreciate anyone who can supply them or point me to where I might find them.
David M. Knights [email protected]
Bahau Internees
I would like to know more about the experiences of the Eurasians who were 'interned' in Bahau (Negri Sembilan) during the Japanese occupation in 1943 to 1945 Very little was written about it and many survivors have now passed on.
I would appreciate it if anyone could shed more light on this Camp. Please contact me on e-mail address below.
Richard de Souza [email protected]
Alexander Gow and Isabelle Simon and their family
Isabelle and Alexander were married in Ipoh in 1900. Isabelle's father, Charles Thompson Simon was the manager at the Marble quarries there about 1898-1900. I am trying to trace his death. His wife was Margueite Burke and I believe they married in Bangkok, so anything about that would be brilliant. Charles T Simon was in Singapore about 1870 and before that Penang under the care of Frenchman Leopold Chasseriau. I keep finding snippets, but am stuck as where to go to get answers. I do hope you can help. Thank You.
Gillean Miller [email protected]
St George's Church, Penang
Further to my earlier enquiry about memorial plaques in preparation for the bicentenary of St George's Church, we are also interested in any pre-war interior photographs of the church that might portray the organ gallery above the west door, for example a family photograph of a bride walking down the aisle from the entrance.
Leslie A.K. James [email protected]
History Of RMAF
I'm doing a research on the early formation of RMAF. Who mooted the idea of forming MVAF & is there any document to that effect? Thank you.
Maj Nor Ibrahim Bin Sulaiman RMAF (R) [email protected]
William Edward Davis
I would like to know more about my cousin's involvement with the Malacca Volunteers during 1941-1942. His name was William Edward Davis and was known as Bill. He was married to Stella Rodrigues and had a son, Errol. I know he was with the Machine Gun Coy and was captured and died in Burma in 1943. If anyone has any further information, please get in touch.
Peter Underwood [email protected]
My Great Grandfather and Mother
I am trying locate some information about my great grandparents Edward and Maria/Marie/Mary McCallum. Their children were Edward (born in 1901) and Lily (born about 1904) were born in the Federation of Malay States, their child Hector is believed to have been born in Hong Kong. Their fourth child was born in Ireland. All the documentation I have found so far lists my great grandfather as "where abouts unknown" or lists my great grandmother as "widowed". I found an article in a news paper from Malaysia that states there was a divorce case. I am just trying to fill the gaps because no one seems to be able to find anything else on my great grandparents. Thank you for any help.
Lucia Wilson [email protected]
Looking for Information on my Great Grandparents
My great grandmothers name was Grace Paul, and she arrived in Malacca from Ceylon in 1917/1918.She was in a relationship with a German Dr Kuhne. This union produced a child, my grandmother, who was born in 1919. The relationship did not last and my great grandmother went on to marry NB Mathias. My grandmother was adopted by NB Mathias and was known as NB Kusalawati. My grandmother later had 5 half brothers and sisters from Grace Paul's marriage to NB Mathias. The family left for Singapore just before the war. If anyone has any information at all about these people, it would be so greatly appreciated. Thank You.
Nicoleen Simon [email protected]
William Percy Newth Handover
William Percy Newth, born in London 26.9.1889 but due to unknown circumstances was 'adopted' into the Handover family whilst still a small child. William traveled widely but his home was in Malaya and he worked for Dunlop Rubber as a plantation manager at Sungei Nipah. William died aged 34 on 25.2.1924. Any information would be very gratefully received. He was by 'adoption' my great-uncle.
Clare Reeves (nee Handover) [email protected]
Cameron Highlands Photos & Maps
Presently I am working on a Project on the Cameron Highlands with Universiti Malaya, for the Faculty of Built Environment, in Malaysia. The Project is on the changes which have affected Cameron Highlands through the years. Cameron Highlands has been overdeveloped and the objective of the study is to keep an equilibrium so as not to lose the character of Cameron Highlands entirely. The intention of Cameron Highlands was that people could retire there for a while for relaxation or health reasons. What we are looking for under this project are old photographs of buildings or of the area of Cameron Highlands. Maps of the area would also be very helpful. A source would be with people who have been there or lived there and made photographs. Like British veterans from the 2nd World War or British civilians.Thank you very much.
Dr. Robert C. M. Weebers [email protected]
Malacca Volunteers
My cousin, William Edward Davis was a Corporal with the Malacca Volunteer Corps. He was captured by the Japanese and ended up on the Thai Burma Railway where he died in Songkurai in 1943. I am writing up his story for Family History purposes. Would anyone be able to help in telling me if the Malacca Volunteers were engaged in any battle and if they retreated into Singapore or were cut off and forced to surrender in Malacca. I would like to know more about my cousin's involvement with the Malacca Volunteers during 1941-1942. He was known as Bill. He was married to Stella Rodrigues and had a son, Errol. I know he was with the Machine Gun Company. If anyone has any further information, please get in touch.
Peter Underwood [email protected]
History of the Royal Malaysian Air Force
I'm doing a research on the early formation of RMAF. Who mooted the idea of forming MVAF & is there any document to that effect? Thank you.
Maj Nor Ibrahim Bin Sulaiman RMAF (R) [email protected]